Tuesday, 2 August 2022
Business of the house
Standing and sessional orders
Business of the house
Standing and sessional orders
Ms SYMES (Northern Victoria—Leader of the Government, Attorney-General, Minister for Emergency Services) (11:37): I move, by leave:
That this house acknowledges the passing of the Honourable Jane Garrett MLC and notes that as her family will be in attendance in the Legislative Council chamber on Wednesday, 3 August 2022, the standing and sessional orders be suspended to the extent necessary to allow the following order of business to occur today and tomorrow:
1. Today
Formal business
Members statements (up to 15 members)
General business
At 1.30 pm Lunchbreak
At 2.00 pm Questions
Constituency questions (up to 15 members)
Answers to questions on notice (non-government members may seek an explanation in relation to unanswered questions on notice, pursuant to standing order 8.13)
General business (until 7.15 pm)
At 7.15 pm Statements on reports, papers and petitions (30 minutes)
Government business (maximum 60 minutes)
At 8.45 pm Adjournment (up to 20 members).
2. Wednesday
A motion of condolence for the Honourable Jane Garrett MLC, pursuant to standing order 5.12.
Mr DAVIS (Southern Metropolitan—Leader of the Opposition) (11:38): I just want to say that whilst the opposition would normally have preferred the recognition of Jane Garrett to have occurred today, we understand the reasons and support the government’s step there. I note that there has been a collaboration to work through the non-government business—I think that is not just with the opposition but with the other non-government parties too. I put on record my respect for the fact that that has occurred and that there are a number of aspects, including an understanding we will read that bill on Thursday.
Motion agreed to.