Tuesday, 2 August 2022
Mr LEANE (Eastern Metropolitan—Minister for Commonwealth Games Legacy, Minister for Veterans) (20:15): Tonight’s adjournment debate has been an absolute pleasure. During the debate 12 members of this chamber have addressed 12 matters to nine different ministers, and I will ensure that those ministers receive these adjournment matters and they respond accordingly.
Mr RICH-PHILLIPS (South Eastern Metropolitan) (20:15): Can I just seek from Minister Leane follow-up on a matter I raised with the Attorney-General in late May relating to the government’s publishing of the cabinet decision register as required under the Freedom of Information Act 1982. The Attorney-General was to follow that up, but I have not received a response from her.
Mr LEANE (Eastern Metropolitan—Minister for Commonwealth Games Legacy, Minister for Veterans) (20:16): Just to clarify, that was an adjournment matter?
Mr Rich-Phillips: Yes.
Mr LEANE: I will follow that up in the next day, Mr Rich-Phillips, to see where that is at.
The PRESIDENT: On that basis, the house stands adjourned.
House adjourned 8.16 pm.