Tuesday, 2 August 2022
Members statements
Child protection
Child protection
Dr BACH (Eastern Metropolitan) (12:35): The state government delivers so many services for vulnerable Victorians, and as this is done, I think it is so important to actually listen to the voices of the people who have experienced these care systems. Recently I had the great privilege and pleasure of meeting with a number of young people who have experienced in some cases many years in Victoria’s out-of-home care system. This was organised for me by Create, a fantastic organisation. I do want to thank the leaders of that organisation. A few weeks ago I joined with Minister Spence in this chamber to work alongside some of the young people who were part of Victoria’s Youth Parliament. The team from Create, a team of care leavers themselves, brought forward a bill, which interestingly received unanimous support, to expand care from the current age of 18 through to the age of 25. It was interesting to me to hear again from these care leavers about the importance of extended care. 293 days ago today the government introduced a bill to legislate extended care. We debated that bill. It is currently in committee. It is not on the notice paper for this week. I wonder where it is. So, again, after having this very affirming conversation with care leavers themselves, I would say to the government: that bill is a really good bill. The government should take credit for that bill. Bring it back. It contains measures that Ms Crozier and others have been advocating for for years, but it is a government bill. Let us bring it back. The government has our full support when it comes to that bill.