Tuesday, 2 August 2022
Members statements
Uniform manufacture
Uniform manufacture
Dr CUMMING (Western Metropolitan) (12:42): It has been reported that the Australian Defence Force is spending up to $14 million a year buying our defence force service dress uniforms, sporting attire, wet weather gear, personal protective equipment and ceremonial clothing from China. The Australian Federal Police also relies on China, with 34 per cent of its uniforms and equipment items coming from China. Apparently Victoria Police also relies on China for a range of uniform items. However, VicPol would not confirm to what extent. They would do well to remember that China placed restrictions on Australia’s lobster exports after the Australian government pushed for an investigation into the origins of COVID. China also placed restrictions and tariffs on our wine, coal, barley and cotton—industries worth hundreds of millions of dollars—yet we are sending money to China for them to make our uniforms. I hope that the state government will lobby or campaign for the federal government to ensure that these uniforms are manufactured in Australia, especially here in Victoria. I hope that the Minister for Police and the Minister for Veterans will also ensure that our uniforms are manufactured here in Victoria, not in China. Our defence force uniforms were manufactured here in Victoria. A $14 million contract was lost. This government needs to make sure that there is a return to manufacturing here in Victoria.