Tuesday, 2 August 2022
Tabled by Clerk:
Conservation, Forests and Lands Act 1987—
Code of Practice for Bushfire Management on Public Land (2012) (amended 2022).
Variation of the Code of Practice for Bushfire Management on Public Land 2012 (No.1/2022).
Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978—
Minister’s Order of 18 July 2022 giving approval to the granting of a licence at Alexandra Park Reserve.
Order of 18 May 2022 giving approval to the granting of a licence at Yarra Valley Parklands.
Orders of 1 July 2022 giving approval to the granting of leases and licences at Albert Park.
Members of Parliament (Standards) Act 1978—Register of Interests—Return submitted by a Member of the Legislative Council—Primary Return, 21 July 2022 (Ordered to be published).
Planning and Environment Act 1987—Notices of Approval of the following amendments to planning schemes—
Bayside Planning Scheme—Amendment C190.
Boroondara Planning Scheme—Amendments C313, C337, C366 and C384.
Casey Planning Scheme—Amendments C273 and C290.
Colac Otway Planning Scheme—Amendment C118.
Corangamite and Macedon Ranges Planning Schemes—Amendment GC201.
Glen Eira Planning Scheme—Amendment C204.
Golden Plains Planning Scheme—Amendment C92.
Greater Dandenong Planning Scheme—Amendment C234.
Greater Geelong Planning Scheme—Amendment C417.
Kingston Planning Scheme—Amendments C200 and C201.
Mansfield Planning Scheme—Amendment C44.
Melbourne Planning Scheme—Amendments C380, C396, C407, C421, C429 and C430.
Melton Planning Scheme—Amendment C229.
Mildura Planning Scheme—Amendment C106.
Mornington Peninsula Planning Scheme—Amendments C269 and C275.
Moyne Planning Scheme—Amendment C76.
Nillumbik Planning Scheme—Amendments C118 and C138.
Port Phillip Planning Scheme—Amendment C205.
Stonnington Planning Scheme—Amendment C321.
Surf Coast Planning Scheme—Amendments C134 and C139.
Victoria Planning Provisions—Amendments VC213, VC217 and VC230.
Whitehorse Planning Scheme—Amendments C222.
Whittlesea Planning Scheme—Amendment C247.
Wyndham Planning Scheme—Amendment C261.
Yarra Planning Scheme—Amendments C263 and C300.
Yarra Ranges Planning Scheme—Amendments C200 and C209.
Statutory Rules under the following Acts of Parliament—
Borrowing and Investment Powers Act 1987—No. 52.
Building Act 1993—No. 50.
Criminal Procedure Act 2009—No. 57.
Electricity Industry Act 2000—No. 55.
Firearms Act 1996—No. 58.
Gas Industry Act 2001—No. 56.
Magistrates’ Court Act 1989—No. 54.
Mental Health Act 2014—No. 46.
Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004—No. 53.
Road Safety Act 1986—Nos. 47 and 51.
Spent Convictions Act 2021—No. 49.
Subordinate Legislation Act 1994—No. 45.
Water Act 1989—No. 48.
Subordinate Legislation Act 1994—
Documents under section 15 in relation to—
Order approving the Communicating occupational health and safety across languages compliance code, of 4 July 2022, under the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004.
Rail Safety National Law National Regulations (Fees and FOI) Amendment Regulations 2022, under section 12 of the Rail Safety National Law Application Act 2013.
Statutory Rule Nos. 43, 45 to 47, 50, 51, 53 and 54.
Legislative Instruments and related documents under section 16B in respect of—
Declaration of a Discount Factor of 24 June 2022, under the Victorian Energy Efficiency Target Act 2007.
Determination of Gaming Machine Entitlement Allocation and Transfer Rules of 7 July 2022, under the Gambling Regulation Act 2003.
Ministerial Direction of 6 July 2022, under section 4.8A.2 the Gaming Regulation Act 2003.
Ministerial Order No. 1387—Order Amending Ministerial Orders 1038 and 1039—School Council Employees and Teaching Service (Vaccination Requirements for Specialist School Facilities) of 20 July 2022 under the Education and Training Reform Act 2006.
Notice of Guidelines for Assessing Fitness to Drive of 21 June 2022, under the Road Safety Act 1986.
Order for Amendment of the Trading Rules for Declared Water Systems (Revised Limit on Allocation Trade from Goulburn or Broken or Campaspe or Loddon, to Murray or Interstate—12F4) of 25 June 2022, under the Water Act 1989.
Order in Council Declaring Certain Motor Vehicles Not to Be Motor Vehicles of 30 June 2022, under the Road Safety Act 1986.
Victorian Independent Remuneration Tribunal and Improving Parliamentary Standards Act 2019—Members of Parliament (Victoria) Annual Adjustment Determination 2022, under section 26 of the Act.
Victorian Inspectorate—Reports on controlled operations records and reports, 2020–21 for—
Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, under section 74P of the Wildlife Act 1975.
Game Management Authority, under section 74P of the Wildlife Act 1975.
Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission, under section 39 of the Crimes (Controlled Operations) Act 2004.
Victorian Fisheries Authority, under section 131T of the Fisheries Act 1995.
Victoria Police, under section 39 of the Crimes (Controlled Operations) Act 2004.
Wrongs Act 1958—Notice of scale of fees and costs for referrals of medical questions to medical panels under Part VBA (Gazette No. S327, 29 June 2022).
Proclamations of the Governor in Council fixing operative dates in respect of the following acts:
Alpine Resorts Legislation Amendment Act 2022—Whole Act—1 October 2022 (Gazette No. S371, 26 July 2022).
Justice Legislation Amendment Act 2022—section 7—19 July 2022 (Gazette No. S365, 19 July 2022).
Proclamations of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council fixing operative dates in respect of the following acts:
Casino and Liquor Legislation Amendment Act 2022—Whole Act (other than sections 8 and 18)—1 July 2022, section 18—25 August 2022 and section 8—1 October 2022 (Gazette No. S336, 30 June 2022).
Justice Legislation Amendment (Fines Reform and Other Matters) Act 2022—Division 2 of Part 2 (other than sections 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 37A, 38, 39, 40, 41 and 42), section 74 and section 82—18 July 2022 (Gazette No. S346, 5 July 2022).
Legal Profession Uniform Law Application Amendment Act 2019—Remaining provisions—1 July 2022 (Gazette No. S336, 30 June 2022).
Road Safety Legislation Amendment Act 2022—Parts 1, 3 and 4 and sections 18 and 19—6 July 2022 (Gazette No. S346, 5 July 2022).