Tuesday, 2 August 2022
Constituency questions
Western Metropolitan Region
Western Metropolitan Region
Dr CUMMING (Western Metropolitan) (14:47): (1881) My question is to the Minister for Public Transport in the other place, and it is from Daria Kellander, a councillor at Hobsons Bay City Council. Can a direct bus route from Altona North to Spotswood train station be provided once the building of precinct 15 and 16 is completed? Now, these developments are in North Altona and South Kingsville and when completed in a couple of years will add an additional 10 000 residents to the area. There is currently a bus route, the 432, that runs from Yarraville through to Altona Gate shopping centre and back to Newport, and there is also bus route 471, which is Williamstown to Altona Gate. With so many residents being added to this pocket, it makes sense for a bus route to be more direct and, once again, ease the pressure from Newport station and transport residents into Spotswood and the local immediate area.