Tuesday, 2 August 2022
Constituency questions
Northern Victoria Region
Northern Victoria Region
Ms LOVELL (Northern Victoria) (14:51): (1885) My question is for the Minister for Health. In May I raised the need for state funding to be allocated to Numurkah, Cobram and Nathalia health for redevelopment of the Pioneers Memorial Lodge aged care facility in Numurkah. I raised this with the former minister. The need for this redevelopment remains, and the local Numurkah community have commenced a campaign to ensure the project becomes a reality. When opening the nearby Karinya nursing lodge in 2005, then health minister Gavin Jennings said pioneers lodge was next on the government’s funding radar. Seventeen years later, the Numurkah community is still waiting. I recently toured pioneers lodge with the Liberal candidate for Shepparton, Cheryl Hammer, and it is clear the facility is no longer fit for purpose. Cheryl has asked me to raise this matter once again on her behalf. Will the minister commit funding of $20 million to complete a full redevelopment of NCN Health’s Numurkah Pioneers Memorial Lodge?