Tuesday, 2 August 2022
Members statements
Brendan Kenna
Brendan Kenna
Ms LOVELL (Northern Victoria) (12:31): It gives me great pleasure to recognise and congratulate Brendan Kenna from Shepparton, who has been named one of Australia’s most inspiring teachers in the 2022 Commonwealth Bank Teaching Awards. Brendan is currently an assistant principal at Wilmot Road Primary School in Shepparton, a school with nearly 80 per cent of its students speaking a language other than English at home. Many of the school’s student cohort and their families have experienced significant trauma prior to arriving in Australia, and Brendan has been instrumental in establishing an innovative education program to deal with such trauma. Brendan also coordinates Wilmot Road’s Talent Opportunity Potential scholarship program, which I am proud to have been a sponsor of for many years. As one of only 12 leaders recognised this year, I am so pleased that Brendan’s hard work and commitment to his students and his school community have been acknowledged by his peers. Congratulations, Brendan. We need more teachers like you.