Tuesday, 2 August 2022
Questions without notice and ministers statements
Ministers statements: ministerial visits
Ministers statements: ministerial visits
Ms SHING (Eastern Victoria—Minister for Water, Minister for Regional Development, Minister for Equality) (14:22): Please bear with me. There is a fair bit to get through today in the time I have available. I was sworn in as minister for regional development, water and equality on 27 June, and since then it has been an exceptionally busy time across the state. I want to outline a couple of the things that I have been doing, which those opposite may in fact also delight in.
I was recently in Tatura with extraordinary member for Northern Victoria Mr Gepp and also the Treasurer to open Flavorite’s newest 6-hectare expansion—extraordinary tomatoes, cucumbers, capsicums, eggplant, you name it. It is a state-of-the-art, sustainable, water- and energy-efficient glasshouse. We have been pleased to collaborate with Flavorite to deliver this cutting-edge technology.
In Waaia I actually attended a water-efficiency project. We have passed the halfway mark in terms of delivering 15.9 gig in savings two months early, and it is on budget. These are excellent examples of delivering better efficiency and savings ahead of schedule.
I was also in a position to catch up with traditional owners alongside Catfish Billabong. This is a $2 million investment to make sure that ebb and flow of water in this exceptionally important waterway is maintained. To sit with Aunty Janine and Aunty Rose by the side of Catfish Billabong was an exceptionally important opportunity to engage on the importance of water for traditional owners across the state and indeed in that part of Victoria.
I was also at the Cann Group recently—medicinal cannabis. That big pink glow over the sky in Mildura which has gone global is in fact something which is delivering state-of-the-art medicinal cannabis cultivation to the area, and we were proud to fund them to the tune of $1.975 million.
Back in metropolitan Melbourne I was delighted to catch up with Labor’s candidate for Albert Park, Nina Taylor, at the Pride Centre, to join Melissa Horne and in fact the member for Footscray, Katie Hall, on local government and also to celebrate the first lowering of the pride flag at the Shrine of Remembrance last Sunday.