Tuesday, 30 August 2022

Questions without notice and ministers statements

WorkSafe Victoria


Questions without notice and ministers statements

WorkSafe Victoria

Mr DAVIS (Southern Metropolitan—Leader of the Opposition) (11:36): My question is for the Minister for Workplace Safety. Minister, Mr John Merritt, the chair of WorkSafe Victoria, will finish up in the role. Isn’t it a fact that Mr Merritt, a long-established and respected public servant, was axed because he stood up to the Andrews Labor government, pointing out the financial unsustainability of WorkSafe under your government’s settings and releasing damaging board minutes under FOI?

Ms STITT (Western Metropolitan—Minister for Workplace Safety, Minister for Early Childhood and Pre-Prep) (11:37): I thank Mr Davis for that question, and can I say at the outset what strong leadership John Merritt has displayed during what has undoubtedly been one of the most challenging periods in WorkSafe’s history. WorkSafe was one of the key government agencies at the front line of the pandemic response. There are over 300 000 businesses in Victoria who relied on WorkSafe’s advice, tools and hard work each and every day during the pandemic to make sure that they understood their occupational health and safety obligations fully and that they were able to keep their workplaces and their workforces safe. I think that John Merritt displayed extraordinary leadership during that time, and I am very thankful for the role that he played on the board. Can I also say that I have got no doubt that John Merritt will continue to make a significant contribution to the Victorian community. I had a very constructive working relationship with Mr Merritt, and I thank him for his service to Victorians.

Mr DAVIS (Southern Metropolitan—Leader of the Opposition) (11:38): That is entirely unsatisfactory. My simple question is: Minister, isn’t it a fact that Treasurer Tim Pallas demanded the sacking of Mr Merritt and pushed him aside?

Ms STITT (Western Metropolitan—Minister for Workplace Safety, Minister for Early Childhood and Pre-Prep) (11:38): No.