Tuesday, 30 August 2022


Wonthaggi Primary School

Wonthaggi Primary School

Ms BATH (Eastern Victoria) (20:23): (2093) My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Education in the other place, and it relates to the Wonthaggi Primary School. The action I seek is a commitment of funding to upgrade the school buildings and overhaul the school rather than maintain the current bandaid approach to fixing up a school in dire need of an overhaul. It was established over a century ago, in 1911, and it has very high aims, quality staff and supportive parents. It aims to provide a happy, safe, friendly and stimulating learning environment and a physical environment that meets the needs of the students, somewhere they can go and learn new challenges and develop their school life and potential.

The Nationals candidate for the seat of Bass, Brett Tessari, has engaged with the school on a number of occasions and recently met and walked through the school with the school community. It is in a terrible and dilapidated state of disrepair. It is totally inadequate to serve the students and the staff. The school’s maintenance program is not equipped to remove asbestos, and it has been stretched out by consistent repairs upon repairs. The children’s toilets in the study area are in such disrepair that they cannot be used, so in one part of the school they have children’s toilets but they have to run across to the other side of the school just to use the bathroom. The school canteen has been transformed into a science room, but the space is so small that there are no chairs or tables there and students have to sit on the floor.

Caroline Moore is the school president, and she has written to me—thank you, Caroline—and also engaged with Brett, outlining a three-stage development plan for its regeneration. The stages include: stage 1, the demolition of the wooden quadrangle and introduction of a new STEM building, incorporating a library with a science space; stage 2, building an administrative building, allowing for redevelopment of the block with a brick quadrangle and appropriate classrooms; and then the last stage, building a gym and a sporting precinct, all with working toilets no less. I ask the minister, therefore, to work with the school community, with Caroline and with Brett Tessari to help to provide an environment where students in 2022 have a learning environment that actually supports their needs.