Tuesday, 30 August 2022


Poultry industry

Poultry industry

Mr MEDDICK (Western Victoria) (20:06): (2086) My adjournment matter this evening is for the Minister for Agriculture, and the action I seek is for her to advocate for a faster phase-out of battery cages in the egg industry. Last week after a seven-year review of the poultry industry a commitment was made for Australia to finally phase out the use of battery cages. It is long overdue, but shockingly it will not be complete until 2036—14 years away. Right now across the country over 12 million hens are confined to battery cages. Their space to move is no bigger than the size of an A4 sheet of paper. They have no ability to enjoy the simple pleasures of a chicken, such as scratching or dust bathing. They will not see sunlight until the day they are killed. Europe phased out battery cages in 2012. New Zealand phased out cages this year, as did 10 US states. A 14-year phase-out for Australia is a disgrace. It leaves everyone, the industry included, with too much uncertainty and too much room for a change of government to overturn the decision. Until 2036, 55 million individual hens will be confined to cages. The public expects better. Victorians expect better. I hope the minister will lead the way and push Victoria to a much faster phase-out. Doing any less would be supporting one of the most shameful forms of animal cruelty.