Tuesday, 30 August 2022

Constituency questions

Northern Victoria Region

Northern Victoria Region

Ms LOVELL (Northern Victoria) (12:18): (1942) My question is for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety. I have previously raised concerns with the minister regarding maintenance on the Doyles Road, Shepparton, alternate route surface, particularly between Poplar Avenue and Broken River. Doyles Road carries a large volume of heavy vehicles each day, and large potholes develop in the road frequently. A constituent has informed me that due to inadequate patch-up repairs on this section of road the repairs need to be redone every six months. Last week my constituent’s wife hit a pothole 2 feet deep on Doyles Road, damaging two tyres and wheels on her car. She ended up on the wrong side of the road and narrowly avoided a head-on collision. The maintenance program for this section of road is simply not working, resulting in dangerous road conditions. Will the minister intervene and order a review of the maintenance program for Doyles Road between Poplar Avenue and Broken River so that any repairs last longer than six months?