Tuesday, 30 August 2022

Constituency questions

Southern Metropolitan Region

Southern Metropolitan Region

Mr HAYES (Southern Metropolitan) (12:21): (1945) My constituency question is to the Minister for Planning. Last week I met with Dave Taylor, a local resident who I believe has contacted the minister’s office in regard to a home renovation gone horribly wrong. The regulated building surveyor missed finding building faults and gave the renovation the tick of approval. Five faults were subsequently found, the builder disappeared and the surveyor denied responsibility. Despite contacting both the Victorian Building Authority and Domestic Building Dispute Resolution Victoria, Mr Taylor has been left stranded to pay for his own repairs to avoid VBA eviction. My question is: why is there no single streamlined process for complaints against faulty building work and compromised or incompetent work by surveyors so that owners do not find themselves liable in the highly flawed process, as Mr Taylor has?