Tuesday, 30 August 2022

Constituency questions

Northern Victoria Region

Northern Victoria Region

Ms MAXWELL (Northern Victoria) (12:17): (1941) My constituency question is to the Minister for Transport Infrastructure regarding the Euroa railway precinct. The inland rail project will have implications for the greater railway precinct of Euroa, which falls beyond the scope of the Australian Rail Track Corporation and into the hands of the state government. This presents an opportunity for the Euroa railway precinct to be considered in a holistic sense for rail and road users, pedestrians and cyclists and to meet future population, tourism and community needs. The Strathbogie shire has been keen to work with the Victorian government to ensure that planning, funding and timing for a redevelopment of the Euroa railway precinct are collaborative and include the community. I raised this with the minister at our meeting in February, and the minister committed to engaging with the department on a way forward. Strathbogie shire is seeking $100 000 in funding to develop a business case, and so I ask: will the government provide this funding support?