Tuesday, 30 August 2022
Questions without notice and ministers statements
Footscray Hospital
Footscray Hospital
Dr CUMMING (Western Metropolitan) (11:38): My question is to the Minister for Health in the other place. How will the site of the existing Footscray Hospital be used when the new hospital is completed in 2025? The existing hospital is situated on a large plot of land with multiple buildings on site. This includes the heritage-listed former Footscray Psychiatric Centre. There have been rumours that the site will be used for housing, so I would like some clarification on the government’s plans for the site.
Ms SYMES (Northern Victoria—Leader of the Government, Attorney-General, Minister for Emergency Services) (11:39): I thank Dr Cumming for her question, and of course I can refer that to the Minister for Health to provide some context. As you would know, there is a brand new hospital being built for that community, and it is a fantastic project that this government is very proud to be delivering for the west. When it comes to disused sites, though, Dr Cumming, it may not necessarily be a matter for the Minister for Health. I am not aware of plans for this particular site, but what I would point to is that in any community when there is a disused site quite often rumours abound and quite often it is very disappointing that it is normally about housing and what type of people are going to be put there. I really dislike these conversations that happen in the community, and I think as members we have got a responsibility to continue to consult with our community members and dispel really harsh, horrible rumours that often go to attacking minority groups and the like, and that kind of sounds like what is starting to happen in your community perhaps.
If it is a potential housing site for public housing, social housing or people that are in need of housing, then all of those sound like fantastic ideas, but I do not have information about what is designated for that site. From the fact that you do not I would assume that it probably has not been determined yet. I am sure there will be a round of community consultation et cetera. Councils are usually involved in these processes. But it may not necessarily be a matter for the Minister for Health, because when a disused site is no longer used for a portfolio it becomes a responsibility of the Assistant Treasurer. However, you have asked your question to the Minister for Health, and I am sure that Minister Thomas will be more than happy to provide any information that she has.
Dr CUMMING (Western Metropolitan) (11:41): Thank you, Attorney. Please do not assume what my community is saying or my question. Will the government build a mental health facility, including drug and alcohol rehabilitation, on this site? We are in the midst of a mental health crisis, and the need in the west for mental health facilities has never been greater. The need for drug rehabilitation rather than an injecting room has never been greater. The site provides a unique opportunity to develop it to cope with these services and incorporate community parks into the design of a best practice drug and alcohol rehabilitation centre or mental health facility. Currently it is zoned for health use, but this government are suggesting that they are going to be putting housing rather than health in a health crisis. I would love an answer.
Ms SYMES (Northern Victoria—Leader of the Government, Attorney-General, Minister for Emergency Services) (11:42): Dr Cumming, you are the one that raised the context of rumours in your question.
Dr Cumming: No, I did not.
Ms SYMES: You used the word ‘rumour’. That is what I was responding to. President, I would seek your guidance. This is actually a question for the minister for—
Dr Cumming: You are right, Minister. I did mention the word ‘rumours’, because there is no clarification. I did have 30 more seconds on my first question—
Mr Gepp: Is there a point of order?
Dr Cumming: Yes, it is a point of order.
Mr Gepp: Well, what is it?
Dr Cumming: I get 1 minute to ask a question. I stopped at the 30-second mark. I did not get to continue on.
The PRESIDENT: Order! Minister, I know the supplementary was about mental health, and I think you should refer that question to the minister.
Dr Cumming: It was about the use of the health site for mental health and drug rehabilitation. Obviously the minister talked about housing.
The PRESIDENT: Order! Dr Cumming! You already indicated, Minister, that you will refer it, and the supplementary should be referred to the Minister for Health as well.
Ms SYMES: Thank you, Dr Cumming. As I indicated in my substantive answer, it appears that there is no decision in relation to the usage of the land. You have made it very clear that your view would be mental health. That is a very good suggestion. I am sure that it could be a proposal that is considered. It was not my intention to confirm a government’s intention to build public housing; I was merely responding to your suggestion that there were rumours about housing. I did not confirm anything. I have indicated to you that I will refer your questions to the Minister for Health. Your suggestions have merit, and I am sure that people would be happy to have a conversation with you about your ideas.