Wednesday, 1 May 2024



Georgie Crozier

Wednesday 1 May 2024

The PRESIDENT (Shaun Leane) took the chair at 9:32 am, read the prayer and made an acknowledgement of country.

Georgie Crozier: On a point of order, President, I would just like to raise an issue with you in relation to certain events that have been occurring on the front steps of the Parliament and more broadly around security issues. The coalition would like to seek discussions with you in a bipartisan manner to look at this issue. I think for all MPs security is becoming more heightened, and I would like for you to consider that, please.

The PRESIDENT: I am always happy to speak with anyone, as you know. There was an email sent to me and the Speaker about concerns on the steps of the Parliament, and our response was that we rely on the expertise of Victoria Police and our security. For us to second-guess and make our own decisions as Presiding Officers would be ill advised, but as I said, I am always happy to have discussions with anyone about any concerns they have.