Wednesday, 1 May 2024
Members statements
Orbost Community College
Members statements
Orbost Community College
Tom McINTOSH (Eastern Victoria) (09:47): It was a privilege to attend Orbost Community College’s opening. We had the whole community come together. We had a ribbon. On one end we had a year 12 and on the other end we had a prep student to symbolise the three schools that have come together: Orbost Primary, Orbost North and the former secondary college. It was great to attend the community college. It was a beautiful morning and a big turnout. We had First Nations people, we had people from the community, we had people from the committee and of course we had our students. It is great for them to have a world-class facility to learn and to come together in. It is great for the families to have this place to come together as a community and of course for our teachers to have brilliant facilities to work and teach our kids in. I just want to acknowledge Peter Seal, the principal, for everything he has done; Mel and Hugh for the tour; and the committees of all three schools for the work that has gone in and been sustained over years to make this a reality.