Wednesday, 1 May 2024
Middle East conflict
Middle East conflict
Katherine COPSEY (Southern Metropolitan) (09:46): I move, by leave:
That this house:
(1) notes that since the Council’s resolution on 17 October 2023 concerning Israel and Gaza, which stated that this house ‘stands with Israel’, the following have occurred:
(a) famine has begun to take hold in areas of Gaza;
(b) children in Palestinian hospitals are now dying of malnutrition, dehydration and starvation;
(c) the Israeli government continues to obstruct aid from entering Gaza; and
(d) the United Nations has stated that Israel’s restrictions on the passage of aid may constitute a war crime;
(2) does not support the state of Israel’s continued invasion of Gaza; and
(3) supports calls for an immediate and permanent ceasefire and calls on the Victorian government to advocate to the Australian government that it end its support for the state of Israel’s invasion of Gaza.
Leave refused.