Wednesday, 1 May 2024
Joint sitting of Parliament
Senate vacancy
Joint sitting of Parliament
Senate vacancy
Members of both houses met in Assembly chamber at 6:02 pm.
The CHAIR (Maree Edwards): Before we proceed, I remind everyone, including visitors in the gallery, that photos are not allowed. I now invite proposals from members for the appointment of a person to hold the vacant place in the Senate. I call the Deputy Premier.
Ben CARROLL (Niddrie – Minister for Education, Minister for Medical Research): I propose:
That Stephanie Hodgins-May hold the place in the Senate rendered vacant by the resignation of Senator Janet Rice.
She is willing to accept the nomination. In order to satisfy the joint sitting as to the requirements of section 15 of the Commonwealth constitution, I also advise that the Speaker has advice from the state director of the Australian Greens Victoria that Stephanie Hodgins-May is the selection of the Australian Greens Victoria, the party previously represented in the Senate by Senator Janet Rice.
The CHAIR: Who seconds the proposal?
John PESUTTO (Hawthorn – Leader of the Opposition): I second the proposal.
The CHAIR: Are there any further proposals?
As only one person has been proposed, I declare that Stephanie Hodgins-May has been chosen to hold the place in the Senate rendered vacant by the resignation of Senator Janet Rice.
I now declare the joint sitting closed.
Proceedings terminated 6:03 pm.