Wednesday, 1 May 2024
Members statements
Anzac Day
Anzac Day
Jeff BOURMAN (Eastern Victoria) (10:02): Today I will talk about Anzac Day. It is a day to recognise those that have fought for our country, those that have died for our country, those who are serving and those who will serve. It gives us the ability to stand in this place and talk with people we may have a completely 180-degree difference with. We can do it in safety and we can do it in peace, and we can vote without having to worry about explosions and bullets and stuff like that. It is through the people that put their lives on the line that we are able to do this.
This year I did something a little bit different. I did not go to a service; I actually spent it with my parents. My dad is a 20-year veteran of the air force as a fighter pilot. He served in three war zones, not that he fired a shot – I think the most violence he ever saw was in a bar fight. But the point is that he is getting on a little bit. For those of my age with parents that are still around, particularly who have served: take the time to talk to them and take the time to remember them. They are a very different generation to us. They were the product of the greatest generation, but they are also part of the reason why we can stand here. It is not just my dad, it is both my uncles. Both my grandparents served in World War II. I only know my great-grandad was in World War I. In this case they all came back, but they all put their lives on the line so that we can come in here and debate in peace.