Wednesday, 1 May 2024
Constituency questions
Southern Metropolitan Region
Southern Metropolitan Region
David DAVIS (Southern Metropolitan) (12:52): (812) I too represent Southern Metropolitan Region, and I too want to raise the issue of the fears in the Jewish community. There is a very significant Jewish community in the electorate that Ms Crozier and I represent, and we have both had many people raise with us, including Jewish women, issues of safety. This should be a bipartisan matter, but it increasingly feels as if it is not, and increasingly I think there is a –
A member interjected.
David DAVIS: I respect what you have just said; I was just about to say that. But I think many in the Jewish community do feel now, with the activities on campuses and elsewhere, that there is a real safety issue. I would ask the Premier, who has a leadership role here, because there is community safety, there are multicultural affairs and there are a number of different areas, to take the lead and engage with the Jewish community. I am asking: will the Premier engage with the Jewish community now to put in place new measures?