Wednesday, 1 May 2024
Constituency questions
Northern Metropolitan Region
Northern Metropolitan Region
Evan MULHOLLAND (Northern Metropolitan) (12:54): (814) My constituency question is to the Minister for Public and Active Transport, and it concerns the extension of bus routes. I would like to commend your belated commitment to the extension of bus routeĀ 543 from Greenvale to Craigieburn after years of doing nothing. As you would be aware, Minister, I have asked many questions and adjournments calling for this bus from Greenvale to the closest major shopping centre, Craigieburn Central. After my community campaign combined with the advocacy of the Greenvale Residents Association, my petition on this issue collected hundreds of responses from disappointed residents. It was only in fact after my advocacy that the Labor MP discovered buses, or the lack thereof, were actually a problem. Under this government there has been a two-year lag between approval of funding and the first extension service on a new extended bus route, and it happens to be the same amount of time the growth areas infrastructure contribution has been held up for. Can the minister advise when services will begin on this extended bus route, and will the extension be fast-tracked given the government has sat on its hands on GAIC funding for two years?