Wednesday, 1 May 2024
Questions without notice and ministers statements
Written responses
Questions without notice and ministers statements
Written responses
The PRESIDENT (17:15): Before I call the minister, I was asked to look at Hansard at question time in relation to a question today – Ms Crozier’s supplementary to the Minister for Children. Having reviewed it, I will order a response from Minister Blandthorn, but given the time of day I will order the response will be due in two days rather than one. I will add, though, similar to another response today from a minister, that I will consider the level of detail asked of a minister with a 1-minute response. But in this case, within the confines of the standing orders, I will ask the minister if she does not mind doing a response for that.
Lizzie BLANDTHORN (Western Metropolitan – Minister for Children, Minister for Disability) (17:16): I would be happy to do that. It is publicly available information – I would also just ask if that can be considered when making future rulings in relation to such questions.
The PRESIDENT: I can consider that. I will put thought into, particularly when it is a supplementary question, the level of detail and if there are rulings from before by other Presidents on if it is reasonable to expect a minister to have that information in their heads or nearby on documents.