Wednesday, 1 May 2024
Questions without notice and ministers statements
Written responses
Written responses
The PRESIDENT (12:48): That ends ministers statements and questions. Can I thank Minister Erdogan, who will get responses from the Minister for Police for both of Mr Bourman’s questions, and Minister Blandthorn, from the Minister for Prevention of Family Violence, for both of the questions from Mrs Tyrrell. I will ask Mr Erdogan to give a written response in line with the standing orders to Mr Davis’s supplementary question. I do have a concern – and there have been rulings which I will look up – but in this case I will ask you to do that, Mr Erdogan. I do have a concern and there have been rulings that indicate that some questions would be better put as questions on notice rather than questions without notice, because of the detail of what is being asked and the expectation of a minister to actually know that answer in any given time. These are rulings from greater presidents than I will ever be. I thank Mr Erdogan, if he will do that for Mr Davis.
Georgie Crozier: On a point of order, President, which goes to the issue you have just raised, the minister did not answer my supplementary question. I think it is an important one for the chamber and the public to understand in relation to the number of reports. I am more than happy for the minister to take that on notice and come back with the answer tomorrow. But she went nowhere near answering that question in relation to how many reports of sexual exploitation have been made to the commissioner for children and young people since February – since the last number of 125 reports. I am just wondering if you could ask the minister to come back and provide the house with that number tomorrow.
Lizzie Blandthorn: On the point of order, President, I would also note that due to the interjections I was unable to fully indicate this in the answer. But incident data is also publicly available, and I am more than happy to direct you to the appropriate links where you can find the appropriate data.
The PRESIDENT: At the time – and I am happy to review it and come back to the house before the end of the day if people are happy to give me that licence – I thought the minister indicated that she could not answer the question in the way it was framed, and I took that as an answer. But I am happy to review it and get back to you.