Wednesday, 14 August 2024

Members statements

Macedon Ranges sports precinct

Mary-Anne THOMAS

Macedon Ranges sports precinct

Mary-Anne THOMAS (Macedon – Leader of the House, Minister for Health, Minister for Health Infrastructure, Minister for Ambulance Services) (09:54): I rise today to celebrate a big win for my constituents. On 28 June I was delighted to join with the Minister for Community Sport Ros Spence in my electorate to officially open stage 1 of the Macedon Ranges regional sports precinct. The Allan Labor government is proud to have invested $14.8 million into the project, with funding matched by the Macedon Ranges shire and contributions from Melbourne Water and AFL Victoria. The total budget for stage 1 was over $29 million. With a three-court stadium with spectator seating catering for a multitude of sports, a full-size football and cricket oval with a multifunction pavilion and change rooms, outdoor recreation areas and wetlands and stunning landscaping with views to Mount Macedon, this state-of-the-art precinct is truly extraordinary.

For the largest capital works project ever undertaken in the Macedon Ranges shire I extend my warm congratulations to the architects and the builders and everyone that was associated with delivering this extraordinary asset. With stage 2 now funded by the Albanese Labor government off the back of the sustained hard work of the member for McEwen Rob Mitchell, the big, bold dream of local parents and community activists Tamara Collins, Megan Condron and Allan Spencer Stewart is now a reality. Tamara, Megan and Allan, it has been a real pleasure to work with each of you, thank you – a dream made possible by Labor governments at a state and federal level.