Wednesday, 14 August 2024


Kororoit electorate public transport



Kororoit electorate public transport

Luba GRIGOROVITCH (Kororoit) presented a petition bearing 4794 signatures:


We the petitioners from Mt Atkinson and Deanside with a growing population over 12,000 residents in the City of Melton, the fastest growing municipality in Australia; are in a dire need for any form of public transportation. Every morning we fight traffic driving on already congested roads to drop our kids at school and to travel to our nearest train stations at Caroline Springs or Rockbank. Parking at these stations is limited and train services are infrequent. The only available alternative is driving on the Western Freeway in peak hour traffic which takes even longer. Development of the proposed Mt Atkinson Train Station, along with the integration of planned bus routes and other local infrastructure improvements, would give us easy access to the Melbourne CBD, Melton and other major centres for employment and education.


The petitioners therefore request that the Legislative Assembly calls on the Government to review our urgent transport needs and immediately start the planning and delivery of the Mt Atkinson train station.

Ordered that petition be considered tomorrow.