Wednesday, 14 August 2024

Members statements

Catholic Ladies’ College

Catholic Ladies’ College

Vicki WARD (Eltham – Minister for Prevention of Family Violence, Minister for Employment) (10:07): I challenge our press gallery to meet with the talented and clever future radio interviewers from the Catholic Ladies’ College. Selina and Alissa from CLC’s social justice team interviewed me about a range of issues, including the importance of mentors, climate change and women in leadership. They also wanted to know about my time as a student at CLC, when I did disclose – no surprise to this place – that I was a bit of a chatterbox who also managed to have my detention for a day in year 12 for disobediently wearing my PE uniform to and from school too often. I am glad CLC’s uniform now includes trousers – much warmer. It was a great interview, and I cannot wait to see what Selina and Alissa get up to next.