Wednesday, 14 August 2024

Constituency questions

Rowville electorate

Rowville electorate

Kim WELLS (Rowville) (14:48): (754) My question is to the Minister for Roads and Road Safety. It has now been 36 weeks since Sharnelle Vella from Channel 7 reported the use of a diesel generator to power the traffic lights at the Henderson and Kelletts roads intersection. This is even more pathetic because it has been 157 weeks since the project started. This is beyond the point of government incompetence such that it could now feature on the ABC’s Utopia. The government expect us to have faith in their managing the Suburban Rail Loop, the Big Build and constructing 800,000 houses by 2034 when they cannot even manage traffic lights at a very small intersection upgrade. My question is: when will the minister finally complete this intersection for the constituents of Rowville?