Wednesday, 14 August 2024


Mt Rothwell

Mt Rothwell

Ella GEORGE (Lara) (19:02): (772) My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Environment, and the action I seek from the minister is to visit Mt Rothwell, a sanctuary for endangered animals in the Lara electorate. Mt Rothwell is a beautiful place where you can see some of Australia’s most threatened fauna. It was established for the management of high conservation value species breeding and research programs, with a focus on Victorian species and species indigenous to the basalt plains, grasslands habitats and woodlands. The best time to see the site is at dusk and into a bit of dark, as that is when the animals really come to life. At dusk the eastern barred bandicoots, eastern quolls, long-nosed potoroos, eastern bettongs and rock wallabies emerge and the landscape comes to life with wonderful interactions amongst all in the 500-hectare sanctuary. The site is also beautiful during the day when you can see so many critically endangered southern brush-tailed rock wallabies and a huge array of aerial raptors. It will be wonderful to have the minister visit Mt Rothwell and see the important work they are doing, and I look forward to hosting him.