Wednesday, 14 August 2024

Members statements

South Barwon electorate infrastructure


South Barwon electorate infrastructure

Darren CHEESEMAN (South Barwon) (10:13): It is with some pleasure that I rise this morning to make my statement. South Barwon has been Australia’s fastest growing regional growth corridor for more than the last decade. This is of course creating many thousands of jobs for local Geelong people as they go about building those homes for those new families. At the 2014, 2018 and 2022 elections Labor had a strong plan to make the investments required to ensure that that community that is currently being built has the facilities that it needs for many generations to come. That is why we have been investing in the rail and road projects that the local community need. That is why we have been making the investments to build new schools, to invest in established schools and to build the sporting infrastructure that those communities richly deserve. This strong plan will ensure that the South Barwon community is a great place to raise a family, to live, to get a job and to make one’s own way. I am proud to be a part of that journey, and I look forward over the next two years to continuing to work to ensure that this community continues to be a great place to live.