Wednesday, 14 August 2024
Questions without notice and ministers statements
Economic policy
Questions without notice and ministers statements
Economic policy
John PESUTTO (Hawthorn – Leader of the Opposition) (14:03): My question is to the Premier. This morning the Treasurer launched an attack on his ministerial colleagues, saying, ‘I make the point to the health minister and others: we really do need a return to fiscal responsibility.’ The Premier leads a chaotic and divided government, with ministers –
Members interjecting.
The SPEAKER: Order! I would like to hear the question. The Leader of the Opposition will ask his question from the beginning.
John PESUTTO: This morning the Treasurer launched an attack on his ministerial colleagues, saying, ‘I make the point to the health minister and others: we really do need a return to fiscal responsibility.’ The Premier leads a chaotic and divided government, with ministers attacking each other in public. Do the Treasurer’s comments reflect government policy?
Members interjecting.
The SPEAKER: The Minister for Transport Infrastructure is warned, and I will not be giving two warnings today.
Jacinta ALLAN (Bendigo East – Premier) (14:04): I thank the Leader of the Opposition for serving me up this question. I thank him very much for serving me up a question, because I know the Leader of the Opposition knows all too well about being served up attacks from his colleagues. The question that the Leader of the Opposition asked was around government policy. The Leader of the Opposition asked a question about government policy in terms of our budget settings, and I say this to the Leader of the Opposition: the fiscal strategy that we released at budget time is firmly focused on strengthening the economy, growing jobs and delivering those frontline services Victorians rely on.
Members interjecting.
The SPEAKER: There is too much noise in the chamber. Members will be removed now without warning.
John Pesutto: On a point of order, Speaker, the question was very simple. The Treasurer this morning spoke about a need to return to fiscal responsibility, and I asked the Premier: did the Treasurer’s comments reflect government policy? I do not think in any universe you can argue that what the Premier said was responsive or factual or direct in responding to the question.
Jacinta ALLAN: On the point of order, Speaker, I was asked directly a question about government policy. I answered directly what the government policy is. I appreciate the Leader of the Opposition today is trying to extend the confection that he put to this place yesterday. I am answering the question directly, and I ask that you rule his point of order out of order.
Peter Walsh: On the point of order, Speaker, the Premier is not being factual at all. She was not answering the question. I ask you to bring her back to actually answering the question as to whether what the Treasurer said was government policy.
The SPEAKER: The precedents and practice of the house are for the rule of relevance in answers to be interpreted to mean that, provided the minister is addressing issues raised in the question, which the Premier was, even if they are not responding to the specific detail of the question, they are being relevant. The Premier has concluded her answer.
Michael O’Brien: On a point of order, Speaker, I ask a question just to try to understand your ruling. The question is: if a question asks if a certain minister’s comments reflect government policy, is your interpretation that the government can then talk about any government policy?
The SPEAKER: It is not appropriate to ask the Speaker questions, and also that is not the way to raise a point of order about my rulings.
John PESUTTO (Hawthorn – Leader of the Opposition) (14:07): This morning the Treasurer confirmed $1.5 billion in new taxes and service cuts to cover recently announced hospital funding. Can the Premier advise if the Treasurer consulted the health minister before making these remarks at his press conference this morning?
Jacinta ALLAN (Bendigo East – Premier) (14:08): In answering the Leader of the Opposition’s question most directly, the comments he attributed to the Treasurer are not correct. Therefore the answer I will give to this question is: the only people who cut funding to hospitals are Liberal governments.
John Pesutto: On a point of order, Speaker, on relevance, the Treasurer was asked clearly to rule out tax rises or service cuts and he did neither. That can only mean there will be both. I asked the Premier whether the Treasurer consulted the health minister before that admission. We cannot have this level of dysfunction in the government and not be able to ask questions about it. That is what question time is about.
The SPEAKER: Order! The Leader of the Opposition will resume his seat. I appreciate that there is some frustration on the part of the Leader of the Opposition, but there are ways to raise points of order, and that is not the way to raise a point of order. A point of order is not an opportunity to make a statement to the house. The Premier has concluded her answer.