Wednesday, 14 August 2024

Questions without notice and ministers statements

Ministers statements: Paris Olympics


Ministers statements: Paris Olympics

Steve DIMOPOULOS (Oakleigh – Minister for Environment, Minister for Tourism, Sport and Major Events, Minister for Outdoor Recreation) (14:39): What a remarkable two weeks it was for our Aussies in Paris – a historic 18 gold medals, 53 medals in total and fourth in the world for a country with a population of about 27 million. It has been exciting, it has been captivating and it has been unforgettable. I know I will never forget watching Victorian local Grace Brown take gold on day 1 in the women’s individual time trial. It was also the performances of our Victorian Institute of Sport athletes and Opals stars like Ezi, Jade and Tess. All three were instrumental in our Opals bronze medal win, with Ezi scoring 30 points to lead us to victory over Belgium. Regardless of whether they placed or not, all of our Victorian athletes did us proud in Paris. And it is not over, because our Paralympians kick off in two weeks time in Paris to again capture the hearts of our country. Not only can you watch your heroes on your TV screens, but Victorians will also be able to see them up close and personal, because on 14 September we will be welcoming home our Olympians and Paralympians in style right here in Melbourne.

All this talk of medals reminds me that last week I gave some shout-outs to this side of the house for their gold medal performances. It is only right I share the love and give some shout-outs to that side. We all know who wants to be on the podium, but let us leave the member for Nepean aside for one moment. Our bronze medal goes to the member for Brighton for sitting out the lamest parliamentary stunt so far this term. Silver goes to member for Berwick for –

Michael O’Brien: On a point of order, Speaker, I am assuming the minister does not know, but the reason why the member for Brighton is not here today is that he is attending his grandfather’s funeral.

The SPEAKER: I ask the minister to come back to a ministers statement.

Steve DIMOPOULOS: Silver goes to the member for Berwick for – well, we all know what that is for. Gold is to the Leader of the Nationals for sticking around with that rabble of an opposition for so long. And, finally, who could forget the Leader of the Opposition: if defamation was an Olympic sport, mate, you would win gold every time.

The SPEAKER: Order! The minister will not refer to members of the opposition in that manner, and the minister will direct his comments through the Chair, not across the table.

John Pesutto: On a point of order, Speaker, I ask the minister to withdraw. Get back here, Steve. He ran away. I ask him to withdraw. Can you summon him back to the chamber?

The SPEAKER: The Minister for Tourism, Sport and Major Events will apologise and withdraw when he comes back into the chamber. The house will move to constituency questions.

Annabelle Cleeland: On a point of order, Speaker, regarding overdue responses to questions on notice, I am currently waiting on 33 overdue questions on notice, including 13 unanswered questions related to housing in my electorate, with some nearly nine months overdue. I am expecting responses from the Minister for Skills and TAFE, the Minister for Crime Prevention, the Minister for Children, the Minister for Health, the Minister for Public and Active Transport and the Treasurer. I will hand this list to the Clerk.