Wednesday, 14 August 2024

Questions without notice and ministers statements

Ministers statements: health system

Mary-Anne THOMAS

Ministers statements: health system

Mary-Anne THOMAS (Macedon – Leader of the House, Minister for Health, Minister for Health Infrastructure, Minister for Ambulance Services) (14:23): I rise to update the house on the Allan Labor government’s delivery of a more connected health system for Victorian patients. This is a government that works with hospitals and supports our healthcare workers, unlike those opposite, who cut, close and privatise. That is why last week the Premier and I were proud to announce an additional $1.5 billion, bringing a total of $21.5 billion being invested into our hospitals this year alone. This additional funding is in recognition of the record demand on our system. In the last quarter alone, 503,000 Victorians presented to our emergency departments, and despite this record demand every category 1 patient was seen immediately. What is more, the median time to wait in EDs is back where it was before the pandemic.

But we recognise there is more to do. We need a better connected health system that puts patients at the centre of everything, and that is why we are creating local health service networks to support stronger partnerships between our hospitals, to strengthen referral pathways and to streamline patient care, supported by a statewide electronic medical record system. We are establishing Hospitals Victoria so that the funding that we are providing has a laser-like focus on delivering first-class patient care. Real reform is what this government will do – real reform for real patients, not fake patients. That is what those on the other side do. Victorians will never forget that it was the Liberals and the Nationals that closed Eildon, Koroit, Mortlake, Murtoa, Red Cliffs, Macarthur, Clunes, Beeac, Birregurra, Lismore, Elmore and Waranga hospitals and sold off hospitals in Traralgon and Mildura.

Members interjecting.

Will Fowles: On a point of order, Speaker, I take personal offence at what the member for Ovens Valley just said, and I ask him to withdraw.

The SPEAKER: I did not hear what the member for Ovens Valley said. However, I think if there is further commentary that you take offence to, member for Ringwood, you should absolutely call for a withdrawal.

Will Fowles: To clarify, it has been the practice in this chamber that, if somebody hears a comment directed at them and asks for it to be withdrawn, that person is normally directed to withdraw. I do not know why an exception is being made in this case.

The SPEAKER: I did not hear the comment from the member for Ovens Valley. Member for Ovens Valley, did you make a comment to the member for Ringwood that he would take offence to?

Tim McCurdy: I am not sure whether he may have taken offence to it, but I will withdraw, if that is what he seeks.

The SPEAKER: I appreciate that.

Members interjecting.

Will Fowles: I take offence to what the Leader of the Nationals just said and ask for him to withdraw.

The SPEAKER: Leader of the Nationals, I ask you to withdraw.

Peter Walsh: I withdraw.