Wednesday, 14 August 2024

Questions without notice and ministers statements

Ministers statements: Solar Homes program


Ministers statements: Solar Homes program

Lily D’AMBROSIO (Mill Park – Minister for Climate Action, Minister for Energy and Resources, Minister for the State Electricity Commission) (14:15): I am absolutely energised to update the house on how we are helping Victorians take control of their energy bills with our $1.3 billion Solar Homes program. On the weekend the Premier and I and the member for Laverton celebrated some massive milestones. A whopping 2 gigawatts of solar capacity has been installed using our rebates. That is 2 ‍gigawatts of solar capacity on people’s roofs right across our state. That is more capacity than the Yallourn coal-fired power station. I dare to say it is more than any nuclear reactor that would ever be built in Victoria, because we know on this side of the house we do not want nuclear energy. The best part of this is that the panels are saving Victorians collectively $279 million each and every year off their bills. That is money back in the pockets of hardworking Victorians and their families.

The members for Kalkallo and Tarneit will be thrilled that in each of their electorates nearly 10,000 ‍rebates have been approved. That is more than anywhere else. In Cranbourne, 8630 rebates have gone out the door; in Werribee, 7640. The member for Berwick has beaten Hawthorn, Nepean and Sandringham, with 7800 rebates approved. The money is on the member for Berwick, that is for sure. Melton, Laverton, Narre Warren South, Point Cook and Pakenham all round out the top 10, with more than 7000 rebates apiece. I could go on, but no matter where you live in the state, the Allan Labor government is helping Victorians slash their energy bills. The contrast could not be any starker. While we are putting solar panels on people’s roofs, those opposite want to deliver nuclear reactors in people’s backyards and in their neighbourhoods, sending people’s power bills through the roof.