Tuesday, 14 May 2024
Questions without notice and ministers statements
Country Fire Authority funding
Country Fire Authority funding
Evan MULHOLLAND (Northern Metropolitan) (12:36): (521) My question is to the Minister for Emergency Services. The 2024–25 budget shows there will be a massive increase of $186 million of revenue raised from an increase in the fire services levy, yet the CFA will receive almost none of these additional funds, with only $106,000 budgeted for next year for trucks. Minister, how can the state of Victoria maintain its fire truck fleet with so little budgeted for replacement?
Jaclyn SYMES (Northern Victoria – Attorney-General, Minister for Emergency Services) (12:36): I thank Mr Mulholland for his question and the opportunity to talk about this government’s support of the CFA. It was actually budget day when I was able to join with volunteers and paid staff from CFA in Shepparton to make the budget announcement of 15 world-class replacement pumpers in this year’s budget – $15.4 million. We will have more to say about the locations of those pumpers in the coming weeks; we are just having some conversations with CFA to make sure they are placed in the most appropriate places in the state, responding to risk and the needs of our hardworking volunteers. This is in addition to several other vehicles that have been rolling out since 2018 – 29 ultraheavy tankers, 48 heavy tankers and two light tankers. I have had the pleasure of being around the state and talking to those brigades that have been the beneficiaries of those vehicles, and obviously they are always welcome. Of course there are always brigades that are in need of additional support, and we continue to have those conversations.
What is really important when you have new tankers that go out to the CFA is that the older tankers that perhaps are at a busier station then are made available for either training purposes or can be relocated to some of those really small brigades that perhaps do not have the reliance or the need to turn out as often as perhaps some of the larger brigades or those that are in areas of higher risk do. So that is a really good way of ensuring that those assets are kept in the state. Indeed even for those smaller brigades, when those trucks are replaced they often go to farmers and personal properties, and you will see time and time again farmers joining with CFA with their own assets in relation to responding to bushfires and the like.
You have touched on the fire services property levy and the changes that have been announced in relation to the budget, and I think what is really important to continue to explain is that each year the government spends significantly more on fire services than it collects through the levy. It is not a case of ‘the levy funds fire’; the levy goes to consolidated revenue and is a contributor to the funds that go to fire services, but we spend a lot more than what the levy brings in. It is a common misconception that it is paying for fire services. It is contributing to fire services, but we can certainly contribute over and beyond what that important levy brings in. I think people who pay the levy can be assured that time and time again – (Time expired)
Evan MULHOLLAND (Northern Metropolitan) (12:40): Thank you, Minister. I am glad you mentioned the 48 heavy tankers. I know it is something that has been mentioned by my colleague Mrs Broad and Mrs McArthur as well. This budget makes no mention of when the 48 heavy tankers promised in the last two budgets will be fully delivered. In response to questions at PAEC, Victoria’s emergency management commissioner Rick Nugent stated that the rollout of the remaining tankers will be complete by June 2024. Does the minister expect this rollout to be complete by June 2024?
Jaclyn SYMES (Northern Victoria – Attorney-General, Minister for Emergency Services) (12:40): Thank you, Mr Mulholland. I do not have the rollout locations on me, but obviously, as I indicated in my substantive answer, it has been a pleasure to join with brigades that have been the recipients of these vehicles. I can assure you that it is not a lack of commitment or funding from the government that has led to any delays in relation to the rollout. There have been some manufacturing delays, but the deadline, as I understand it, that was extended and announced will be met.