Tuesday, 14 May 2024

Constituency questions

Northern Victoria Region

Constituency questions

Northern Victoria Region

Gaelle BROAD (Northern Victoria) (13:00): (841) My question is to the Minister for Planning regarding the Victorian Building Authority. My constituent is a builder who is in his 80s and is ready to retire. He has been building for the past 60 years and has evidence of payment of his membership to the VBA over many years. Why should he be required to renew his membership for a mandatory five-year period at a cost of $1052.40 rather than having the option to pay for a 12-month period, when all he requires is a certificate of occupancy to complete his current build? Also, as he has not been able to resolve his inquiry with the VBA, why is he being charged an overdue fee of $315.70? He has been advised this is rarely waived without providing evidence of hardship. Given this builder is prepared to pay for a 12-month renewal of his membership to the VBA, I would appreciate the minister’s support to resolve this issue.