Tuesday, 14 May 2024
Members statements
Energy policy
Energy policy
David DAVIS (Southern Metropolitan) (14:31): I want to draw the chamber’s attention to the federal government’s Future Gas Strategy: May 2024. This is a strategy that reinforces the importance of gas and the position of gas in providing a transition into the future. It certainly supports a strong position for gas with respect to peaking and firming of electricity generation, and it certainly supports the importance of gas for the Victorian economy and for the national economy further. It could not be further from the state government’s position, could not be further from Lily D’Ambrosio’s position.
I note of course that the Deputy Premier seems to have some differences with Ms D’Ambrosio. He seems to believe that gas has got an important role. He likes gas. But Ms D’Ambrosio of course is against gas and has put in this gas ban. She hates gas. She has got an ideological fixation against gas, I have to say – although I note that she has not converted her six regional properties from gas, and she will not talk about the six rental properties –
Members interjecting.
David DAVIS: Lily D’Ambrosio, your Minister for Energy and Resources, has a considerable difference not just with the Deputy Premier here but with the federal Labor government, which has recognised the importance of gas as a part of transition and the choice that is critical – (Time expired)