Tuesday, 14 May 2024

Members statements

Brahmin Sabha Australia

Brahmin Sabha Australia

Trung LUU (Western Metropolitan) (14:51): On Friday I had the privilege to join the Brahmin Sabha Australia Hindu community celebrating Bhagwan Parshuram Janmotsav, an auspicious birthday celebration of the Hindu community. I also had the privilege of joining the gathering last year and participating in the Hindu havan, which was a deeply enriching experience. The celebration embraces the legend of Lord Vishnu, whose image wielding a mighty axe to restore balance resonates throughout the ages. His life embodies the values of sacrifice, selflessness and duty. As the Hindu community gather to commemorate his birth and profound teachings, they endeavour to manifest his virtue of doing good deeds, embracing his sacrifice, selflessness and duty in their own lives.

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to Brahmin Sabha Australia for organising this significant event in the Hindu calendar. Such gatherings play a vital role in uniting our communities. I would like to extend my gratitude to Chander Sharma and Dr Ritesh Chugh for extending the invitation and to all volunteers for a successful event. I would also like to appreciate and say thank you to the Dainik Bhaskar, a leading Hindi newspaper in India, for printing the story and promoting India overseas and multiculturalism in Australia.