Tuesday, 14 May 2024

Constituency questions

North-Eastern Metropolitan Region

North-Eastern Metropolitan Region

Richard WELCH (North-Eastern Metropolitan) (13:14): (855) My question is for the Minister for the Suburban Rail Loop. Last week I met with Gina Zhang, the owner of Sharetea on Coleman Parade in Glen Waverley. Gina has sold delicious bubble teas to the community for over four years, and until recently her business was thriving. A short time ago Coleman Parade became a building site for the SRL station in Glen Waverley. This has significantly reduced foot traffic for all businesses on Coleman Parade, with some businesses’ revenue decreasing by $10,000 a month. Meanwhile the only compensation offered was $300 of SRL-branded shopping vouchers. She was told by an official representative of the SRL there is no other compensation because everyone benefits from the SRL. To an experienced business owner this is a contemptuous and insulting answer. My question to the minister is: how will the government compensate Gina and other local business owners who are impacted by the SRL works?