Tuesday, 14 May 2024

Members statements

Live exports

Live exports

Bev McARTHUR (Western Victoria) (14:46): My members statement concerns the appalling announcement by the federal government that the live export of sheep from Australia will be banned by 2028. This is a shocking decision made purely to placate activists. It will do nothing to increase animal welfare. Australian farmers are world leaders in welfare practices; the countries where sheep will instead be sourced from are not. Worse than this performative politics is the disregard for farmers whose livelihoods are based on this industry and yet who were told of the outright ban at the same time as the activists. It is frankly disgraceful. This decision will damage animal welfare, destroy livelihoods and lessen our food security. On all fronts it is wrong, and the knock-on effects are significant: locally in Western Victoria, in the rural economy more generally, on small agricultural businesses, transporters, shearers and others, and across Australia in the impact on the market for sheep as well as specialist provision of veterinary and genetic services. Yet again, as with the native timber industry, a Labor government has at the stroke of a pen banned a legitimate business and destroyed livelihoods. Where will this end? Will the live cattle export market be next on the activist hit list?