Tuesday, 14 May 2024

Members statements

Paynesville Bowling Club

Paynesville Bowling Club

Tom McINTOSH (Eastern Victoria) (14:48): It was great to be in Paynesville on budget day. The Paynesville Bowling Club have received $330,000 for a new synthetic green. It is a testament to the hard work and the organising that all those in the club have done, and it is going to be fantastic for the club. It is going to mean that they are able to get out on the green more often, so it is going to see more participation, but it is also going to mean that there is more income for the club. There are not going to be days when there is a wet green after heavy rains the night before. Over the new year it is going to mean that the tourists that come into town can get out and play barefoot bowls – again, more income for the club. Additionally, local schoolkids, who have performed so well across the region and across Victoria and who have been trained up by the club, can get in there more frequently and at more times. Of course the maintenance costs that the club incur with the green will not be there, so they can use that to invest in the club and bring more people in and continue to grow it.