Tuesday, 14 May 2024

Members statements

William ‘Billy’ McLean


William ‘Billy’ McLean

Jacinta ERMACORA (Western Victoria) (14:40): On 27 April I joined Labor members and unions at the Tower Hill cemetery to pay our respects to a young man who died fighting for the rights of his fellow shearers. It was during the union struggles of 1894 that young Billy McLean was shot at Grassmere station in New South Wales. He died at home in Koroit, his mother by his side. We marched then from the cemetery to Mickey Bourke’s pub in Koroit, where we shared lunch along with the joys of the Koroit Irish Festival. I want to express my deep appreciation for the union movement in this state and for the legacy that their predecessors have achieved for us, like young Billy. With me on the day were a number of people: Paul Drew from the South West Trades & Labour Council, Cal Millard, David Clements, Matt Watson from the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation, Rob Saunders and also multiple branch members. In closing I just want to say that his epitaph was written by Henry Lawson, and it goes like this:

Erected by his fellow unionists and admirers in memory of their comrade William John McLean, who was shot by a non-unionist at Grassmere Station N.S.W. during the bush union struggle of 1894, who died 22nd March 1896, aged 26 years.

A good son, a faithful mate and a devoted unionist.

Union is strength.