Tuesday, 14 May 2024

Constituency questions

Southern Metropolitan Region

Southern Metropolitan Region

David DAVIS (Southern Metropolitan) (13:04): (845) My constituency question is for the Minister for Skills and TAFE, and it concerns the deteriorating position on a number of our campuses, including in my electorate. Today we have heard the deputy vice-chancellor of Deakin University Kerrie Parker state that:

… freedom of speech does not extend to the establishment of unauthorised camps …

and she has sought the immediate dismantling and removal of the current encampment at Morgan’s Walk at the Burwood campus of Deakin. What I seek from the minister is action: I ask the minister to act – to use the powers that she has – to deal with these toxic tent cities, which are actually a hotbed of antisemitism that actually need to be closed down and moved on. People are entitled to protest, but they are not entitled to be antisemitic.