Tuesday, 14 May 2024
Questions without notice and ministers statements
School violence
School violence
Jeff BOURMAN (Eastern Victoria) (12:41): (522) My question is for the minister representing the education minister. Minister, violence in our education system is becoming problematic. We have videos posted online of serious assaults being perpetrated by minors on minors on school premises. What is also happening is that violence against educators is on the increase. As we know, the schoolyard is a workplace for the educators, and they should be safe. A disturbing incident that recently happened was that a female educator in a regional primary school was seriously assaulted by a grade 6 student. That is right – a grade 6 student. My question is: what is the minister doing about violence against teachers to give them a safe workplace as well as giving the students a safe environment in which to learn?
Lizzie BLANDTHORN (Western Metropolitan – Minister for Children, Minister for Disability) (12:41): I thank the member for his question. It is indeed an important question, and I am happy to pass it on to the Minister for Education for an answer. For the benefit of the house, this was a topic at the recent education ministers meeting that both the Deputy Premier and I attended and the minister for skills and training as well, and it is an important issue across all three levels of our education system and one that is being given due consideration. I will happily forward your question to the Minister for Education.