Wednesday, 14 August 2024
Middle East conflict
Middle East conflict
Aiv PUGLIELLI (North-Eastern Metropolitan) (09:48): I move, by leave:
That this house:
(1) notes that since the Legislative Council’s resolution on 17 October 2023 concerning Israel and Gaza, which stated that this house ‘stands with Israel’, the following have occurred:
(a) 477 out of 564 schools have been destroyed or damaged in Gaza;
(b) on 10 August 2024 dozens of civilians, including children, were killed by an Israeli air strike on the al-Tabin school;
(c) more than 38,000 civilians have been killed in Gaza and almost all of Gaza’s 2.3 million people have been displaced;
(d) United Nations officials have said there are no safe areas for people to seek refuge, and many of the designated humanitarian areas have been bombed; and
(2) calls on the Victorian government to end their relationship with the Israeli defence ministry and with Israeli arms manufacturers.
Leave refused.