Wednesday, 14 August 2024
Statements on tabled papers and petitions
Department of Premier and Cabinet
Department of Premier and Cabinet
Victorian Government Report on Multicultural Affairs 2022–23
Sheena WATT (Northern Metropolitan) (17:32): I rise to update the house on the Victorian Government Report on Multicultural Affairs 2022–23, tabled in June of 2024. As one of the members for Northern Metropolitan Region, I am really proud to be part of a vibrant, diverse and inclusive community of multicultural groups from all over the world. I am happy to be a part of a government that continues to support multicultural organisations as we strive towards a more inclusive and representative future. In 2022–23 the Victorian government committed $63.3 million for programs, initiatives and communications activities that supported both multicultural and faith communities, including $6.4 million for culturally significant infrastructure upgrades so communities can enjoy culturally safe spaces. Victoria continues to be one of Australia’s most culturally diverse states, with about one-third of our population from a culturally and linguistically diverse background. One-third – it is just incredible that in Victoria this represents more than 300 ancestries speaking 290 languages and following almost 200 faiths. There is an incredible snapshot right there of the vast diversity that Victoria enjoys. We are all richer for the vast wealth of knowledge that comes from these communities. I would like to take a moment to thank Minister Stitt, the Minister for Multicultural Affairs, who has shown significant leadership in this portfolio, including in what has been a very challenging year for social cohesion in our state.
Just recently I was more than happy to go to the Sikh community and visit their gurdwara in Officer on World Environment Day to host an information and awareness session on induction cooking and a demonstration and to bring together representatives from multicultural communities from all around Victoria to express the importance of climate action and taking care of our local environment. Can I give a shout-out to Dr Harpreet Kandra for his leadership and commitment to continued action for multicultural communities. I know, being based out in the south-east, that he is a very fierce and committed protector of multiculturalism and climate action. Whilst he was at it, he decided that he was going to tackle head-on the challenges around people of multicultural communities and water safety. We saw over last summer some very sad drownings in our community, so very recently he has taken it upon himself to set up a learn-to-swim program for multicultural leaders to lead from the front and demonstrate to their communities that even old dogs can learn new tricks and to allow for community-based teaching of swimming in their communities. Thank you to all the community partners that came in to help make that happen. I am still getting photos sent to me all the time, and it looks like it is a real hoot.
This government continues to support, champion and celebrate its multicultural communities, with $3.3 million committed to supporting Victoria’s newly arrived migrant communities, refugees and asylum seekers and improving settlement outcomes. There is a further commitment of $4.4 million to continue to deliver the Victorian African Communities Action Plan to help address the social and economic needs of Victorians of African heritage. While I am there, it is worth pointing out that that work is led by the member for Cranbourne, and I would like to acknowledge her extraordinary leadership and commitment to the African diaspora in her community and across the south-east. With this new role with the Victorian African communities, she is extending that passion right across our state, so thank you to the member for Cranbourne for all that she does in fostering social cohesion with our African communities.
This state continues to lead the way in its multicultural diversity and strength of leadership. I welcome this commitment to diversity as we include the 65,000 years of living First Peoples culture and work together towards treaty.