Wednesday, 14 August 2024
Questions without notice and ministers statements
TAFE teachers
TAFE teachers
Joe McCRACKEN (Western Victoria) (12:18): (616) My question is to the Minister for Skills and TAFE. Minister, 71 per cent of TAFE teachers state that they considered quitting their job under your watch last year. Seventy-nine per cent of TAFE teachers say that there is a teacher shortage and that excessive workloads, working unpaid overtime and the chronic underfunding of TAFEs in Victoria is contributing to them considering quitting. Is the failure of the Allan Labor government to settle its protracted pay dispute the reason that nearly three-quarters of TAFE teachers considered quitting – is that the reason why?
Gayle TIERNEY (Western Victoria – Minister for Skills and TAFE, Minister for Regional Development) (12:19): I thank the member for his question. I think the majority of people in this house would understand that those opposite certainly are not warriors on behalf of workers, let alone TAFE teachers, because it was those opposite that sacked over 2000 TAFE teachers when they were last in government.
Joe McCracken: On a point of order, Deputy President, on relevance. This has nothing to do with the question I asked at all.
The DEPUTY PRESIDENT: I will bring the minister back to the subject of the question. I remind you that we have visitors in the gallery. Can we please have question time with a bit of decorum. But I do ask the minister not to invite the opposition to interject and to stick to the subject.
Gayle TIERNEY: If there were not 2000 teachers sacked, we would not have the degree of teacher shortages in the TAFE system, Mr McCracken. Indeed what we have done – given that there is a prerequisite to have the certificate IV in teaching and assessment, we actually put it on the free TAFE list so that we could create a pipeline of skilled TAFE teachers in our system. In fact there has been a 57 per cent increase in enrolments in relation to that specific course.
Of course there is an industrial situation at the moment because the parties are in negotiation for a new settlement. In fact there are scheduled negotiations this week. These are things that happen that are routine, and of course there are going to be claims on either side. What I have been calling for from day one is that the issues are put on the table, that there are solutions found and that we find a resolution as soon as possible so that we can continue to get on and do the fantastic job that we are doing in rebuilding TAFE, which was smashed by those opposite because those opposite hate TAFE and have got no regard for TAFE teachers.
Joe McCRACKEN (Western Victoria) (12:21): If the government cares so much about workers, why is the Allan Labor government forcing Victorian TAFE teachers to work unpaid overtime?
Gayle TIERNEY (Western Victoria – Minister for Skills and TAFE, Minister for Regional Development) (12:22): Again, there are a number of issues that have been put on the table by both sides. We are working through those issues. Of course we want people to work and be paid, and of course I do take this opportunity to thank each and every TAFE teacher who has helped this government rebuild the TAFE system into a system that we can be proud of, a TAFE system that was smashed by those opposite.
Joe McCracken: On a point of order, Deputy President, on relevance, the government had two years to settle this pay dispute. I ask them to actually answer the question instead of filibustering.
The DEPUTY PRESIDENT: The minister to continue.
Gayle TIERNEY: Thank you. I do take this opportunity to again thank TAFE teachers for all of the hard work that they do, day in and day out, in making sure that they are delivering fantastic courses that are industry aligned and that are a lot more relevant than they were under the previous government. It is now a system that we can all feel very proud of. Our graduates are very, very happy with the fact that they have been able to access free TAFE, which has led into jobs. This is a groundbreaker. We have led the nation.