Wednesday, 14 August 2024
Renee HEATH (Eastern Victoria) (18:53): (1054) My adjournment is for the Minister for Housing. In 2021 Mornington Peninsula shire declared a housing crisis. Since then we have seen more and more of our community’s most vulnerable become homeless. On any given night more than 600 people in the area are sleeping rough. Under Labor, bare essentials have become more and more expensive. Residents on lower incomes cannot afford to pay for food or clothes or to have a roof over their head. It is now more expensive to live on the Mornington Peninsula than it is here in the city. With more facing homelessness every week, it is not enough for the Mornington Peninsula to have only one crisis accommodation centre. Minister, the action that I seek is for you to commit to finally providing suitable housing support for the residents of the Mornington Peninsula.