Wednesday, 14 August 2024
Questions without notice and ministers statements
Ministers statements: childhood services
Ministers statements: childhood services
Lizzie BLANDTHORN (Western Metropolitan – Minister for Children, Minister for Disability) (12:51): I rise to update the house on how the Allan Labor government is continuing to work with parents, carers, grandparents and families to improve services for children aged zero to 12. Most recently I was delighted to host a children’s round table at Alphington Community Centre with the member for Northcote from the other place to meet with parents, carers and some of their children as well as representatives from organisations such as local kinders and maternal and child health services to discuss programs and services accessed by children and their families. Eighteen formal round tables have been scheduled to be held across Victoria throughout the remainder of the year, and this was the fourth children’s round table that I have had the privilege to host since June. Round tables have also been held in Point Cook, in Oakleigh and in Flemington. In Flemington we met with grandparents and kinship carers to hear their perspectives and insights on raising children. The discussions have focused on each stage of a child’s development and the services that support families when caring for children at those ages.
I am very appreciative of the time that members of our community have taken to participate in the round tables and to share their personal stories and experiences on the journey of raising young children. I personally have gained many valuable insights from hearing directly from parents and carers about their varied experiences. This feedback from the round tables will directly help to inform policies, programs and initiatives across the children’s portfolio to improve outcomes for our youngest Victorians and their families. These 18 round tables are being held with Victorians from across the state, stretching from metropolitan Melbourne to rural and regional Victoria. They will also include sessions focused on vulnerable members of the community, including First Nations Victorians and those caring for children with a disability.
This process is what the children’s portfolio is all about – hearing from parents and carers and their children about their experiences across early childhood services, because we know that families do not operate in silos, and neither should government. This is the reason the Premier and I are committed to the children’s portfolio, bringing together the work across government that supports our children and families to improve outcomes for our youngest Victorians.